+1 (920) 475-7178
2420 Red Fescue ct. , Menasha, WI, U.S.A
We have updated our OTMS Accounts interface to include new features and enhancements. This video gives you a complete demonstration of the interface showcasing features both new and old.
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The OTMS Liquor Dispensing System Interface was one of the first Simphony extensibility products we developed following the Oracle acquisition of Micros.  The interface was necessary for the gaming market as many casino clients use liquor dispensing hardware to help manage liquor costs or to track usage for taxes on comp drinks.
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The OTMS Accounts interface for Simphony was designed to provide a fully functional in-house charging program for any business using Oracle Hospitality products. We have used feedback and requests from our current customers to design a new version of this interface, OTMS Accounts V2.
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Here at OTMS we’ve been pushing Oracle/micros products to their fullest for many years. With Simphony there are so many possible paths for customisation, it can be difficult to know where to start. Simphony Styles provide a huge capability and don’t need a great deal of technical knowledge to use.
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Topanga Social is a new food hall in Topanga, California, a community located in the Santa Monica mountains just outside of Los Angeles. The food hall opened its doors in May and has been successfully utilizing a couple of our most popular OTMS interfaces to improve their customer’s experience. 
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POS system users face numerous challenges when it comes to managing and troubleshooting technical issues efficiently. OTMS can help. OTMS has developed a “Tender Validation” utility that uses can be used with almost any interface that can detect any number of reasons why a payment ‘might’ fail, and can stop the payment from even being attempted, telling the cashier what the issue is, so that they can resolve it, before it becomes a bigger issue.
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The OTMS Aristocrat nConnect API interface for Simphony connects your Aristocrat casino management system to your Oracle Simphony POS system.
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OTMS Custom Reports was designed to ease the transition for customers considering moving from Oracle RES to Oracle Simphony POS systems. As is, the Oracle Simphony system lacks the custom reports features that were possible with RES, this solution fills that gap.
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It is important that you contact support@onthemarksolutions.net at least 2-3 weeks prior to your scheduled upgrade to prevent any interface outages. With proper notice our support team can effectively prevent any interface downtime and help with a more seamless transition during the upgrade process. 
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OTMS developed a Simphony extensibility based solution that captures a copy of a POS check at the time it is closed and stores it in a local database on the workstation.  A posting service on the workstation monitors this database and posts new transactions to an aggregation server that deserializes the POS checks and posts the information to a MS-SQL database that is controlled by the customer.
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