+1 (920) 475-7178
2420 Red Fescue ct. , Menasha, WI, U.S.A

New Things Coming in the New Year

We have been working hard on a variety of new development projects here at OTMS. In the new year you can expect some big things including new interfaces, some with new customer facing features and some to improve internal processes; more upgrades to some of our most widely used existing interfaces; and more custom projects. While we can’t share every detail quite yet, here is a sneak peak of what will be available to you in Q1 2024. 

OTMS Custom Reporting Module
Customized reports are something that are needed in many business operations. While Oracle’s RES POS system allowed both direct database access and Crystal Reports for developing customer specific reporting, this is an area where many notice that Simphony currently falls short. This new OTMS Simphony interface will allow you to generate the reports that your business needs, with options for pulling in data from multiple data sources.

OTMS will offer many reporting options for the standard version of this interface. However, there will be an optional add-on for our more technically adept customers that will allow them to design their own specific reports to cover everything that they need for their business. 

OTMS 19.5 Kiosk Interface Package
Oracle’s new HTML based kiosk package greatly simplifies setting up a Simphony kiosk, however it does not support interfaces as released. We have worked with Oracle to develop our own version of the new kiosk package and developed kiosk specific versions of our Digital Receipts, Order Status Board, Gaming, and PMS interfaces. 

With the OTMS kiosk package including interface support, customers can use the self-service kiosks to pay with their player number for the casino or charge to their room at the hotel as well as receive a digital receipt and order status updates so they can receive a pickup notification when their order is ready. 

The new OTMS kiosk solution will go live in the pilot location before the end of January. Expect a complete demo video soon, as well as new features added regularly guided by customer feedback. 

OTMS Enhanced Error Reporting
One of the challenges with supporting the breadth of interfaces that OTMS provides is getting information when there is an issue.  OTMS has developed a new error reporting system that will be built into new versions of our interfaces this year.  The system allows the POS operator to press a button on an error message related to one of our interfaces that will capture a screen image of the error, the workstation logs, the current Simphony command stack and other information automatically.  It can then send this information to the OTMS support email to start a case for the error with all the typically requested information already attached, saving everyone time required to gather the details as to what happened.


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